Medical Women's International Conference (MWIA) w/ Student Programming
Check this out! It is the Medical Women's International (MWIA) Convention and it will be held in Munster, Germany on July 27 to July 31, 2010. The focuses of this year's conference, taken from their website will be:
Main topics of the meeting
The international scientific committee chose 4 main topics for the meeting in 2010. We felt that these would depict important global issues and would be of interest of medical doctor from all over the world too. These are: gender strategies, addiction, epidemic plagues and nutrition. Invited talks will cover topics such as gender strategies, gender based war violence, the addictive brain, internet addiction, TB-globalization and resistances, gender inequality and HIV prevention strategies, selfish brain: the origin of obesity and interventions for preventing obesity in children. More information you can find here.
Bettina Pfleiderer, 2009-09-06 13:10:00
What is even better is that there will be Student Programming specifically geared towards students (taken from the 2010 MWIA convention Student Page):
A special committee dedicated to young doctors and medical students has just started to plan various exciting activities for the world congress 2010 and will organize a special plenary session for young doctors and medical students, a special guided poster tour, as well as an informal get-together in a typical student pub. In the organizing team are a medical student, Katharina- Schütte-Nüttgen and three young medicals doctors themselves, namely Anne Grund M.D., Heike Beckmann M.D., and Inke Dönch M.D., and for the LOC, Bettina Pfleiderer (chairwomen of the International scientific committee). They are looking forward to seeing you in Münster!
There is options to get funding covered for lodging. This is definitely a great opportunity for all AMWA members. I know that AMWA student Executive Committee is working on expanding some opportunities with this conference, so keep looking out for information about that.
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