Monday, July 26, 2010

We're Back!

Sorry for the long break! It took us a while but we are back!

We have been busy getting everything set up for the Carter Global Health Fellowship that we are about to launch!

Here is a quick video about the Duke Global Health Masters Degree we learned about while putting together resources for the Carter Fellowship.

For now we have discovered a few more resources that we would like to share:

1) Global Health Magazine: This is a magazine run by the Global Health Council which is the largest global health organization. It is free to read certain topics online. It is a great way to stay up on the current events in global health.

2) Unite for Sight Global Health University Online Resources. I especially like the global health online e-learning resources. We have used quite a few links from this website (ie. modules) as part of the curriculum for the Carter Fellowship.

3) Duke University Global Health Residency - I bet you are already hooked! Global Health residency? How awesome? The only problem is that you should have already done a residency first, this is something additional. But its quite awesome.

And there is also the option of a Masters in Global Health.
